
Posts Tagged ‘Calvin and Hobbes’

For the month of December, I’ll be participating in #WEverb11. Each day gives a new prompt, each of which is a chance to reflect and look forward.

December 18: Teach
What lesson or advice were you able to pass on to others this year? Why was it important to share this information? (Or… what lesson would you like to pass on to others that read this?) Contributed by Christy.


Well, since I’m a teacher by profession, my goal every single day is to impart knowledge to my students.  Beyond just the subjects of English literature, journalism and yearbook, I really try to give them some life skills in communication and collaboration.  Because if you can’t communicate your ideas you won’t go very far personally or professionally in this world.  The same can be said with working with others, right?

Since I’m a bit behind on my posts, I’m going to call this one done.  It was an easy one, and since I’m now (THANKFULLY!!) on Winter Break, a bit of ease is just what I need.

Instead, let’s let Calvin impart some knowledge about his opinion of teaching and learning, shall we?



If you’d like to join in on the daily writing prompts, go to WEverb11, sign up for the email notifications, and join us! Or follow along on Twitter using the #WEverb11 hashtag!

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