
Posts Tagged ‘South Beach’

As December 1st gets closer, I am really excited about starting the SBD. As with any new endeavor I undertake, I have lots of plans, lists, goals, and expectations. I’m going into this with high hopes and the best of intentions, but I’m also worried/fearful.

The only diet that I’ve ever lost a significant amount of weight on was Jenny Craig. It was pretty easy — eat that food, don’t cheat, try to workout, and you’ll lose weight. You may or may not learn anything to take with you after you stop the diet, but you are pretty much guaranteed to lose weight while your following it. No prep time — just pay your money for the food, heat it, eat it. Easy. Of course, both times I was on Jenny Craig, I also gained everything back, and then some. Not really a success story.

So now I have this new goal, this new plan, this new lifestyle. It seems very do-able, especially with the built in support of BeachGirly and CCLuv. I know I’ll follow the program to the letter for at least a few weeks, because I’m really good about starting things like this. But still, I am worried that after a few weeks I’m going to fall into old patterns and go off the plan, eat too much of the wrong things and stay this same fat self. I’m not so good with the follow through when it comes to weight loss and working out. I always start strong but haven’t managed to maintain any level of lifestyle change for too long.

Not that I’m going into this with a negative attitude, because I’m not. I’m just trying to put this out there so that I can recognize my weaknesses and try to work on them. By acknowledging that this is a pattern for me, I’m hoping to break it.

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