
Posts Tagged ‘restaurants’

For the month of December, I’ll be participating in #WEverb11. Each day gives a new prompt, each of which is a chance to reflect and look forward.

December 29: Gush

Begin to create a plan for “My Friends Day Out 2012” – tell us what you envision.Contributed by Julie Jordan Scott.


This prompt is a really fun one for me and one that I hope to actually put to use.  Scale Warfare and I have been friends since she left her first comment on my blog, back on March 19, 2009.  That was 384 comments ago.  (Yes, I checked).  In the 2 1/2 years since we first connected, we’ve become amazing sources of support for each other.  As I’ve said many, many times before, SW is one of my best friends.  Yet we’ve never met in person.

Well that’s changing in 2012.  We’ve decided the only city ready for our first meetup is Vegas.  Summer 2012.  Exact date to be decided.

So this Friends’ Day Out plan is for Vegas, Baby:

(We’ll arrive in Vegas at some point on Friday, and we’ll spend that first night talking, drinking, gambling, and who knows?  This plan will be for the next day, our first full day in Vegas).


  • An early morning (which in Vegas could mean 11am!) walk along the strip, taking in the scene.
  • Breakfast at one of the many buffets. As long as there are Bloody Mary’s I don’t care which.
  • Pool time.  It’s bound to be HOT in Vegas in the summer, but if we can handle it, getting a few rays earlier in the day would be great.


  • Shopping.  Hello Forum Shops at Caesar’s Palace.
  • Riding the roller coasters – this is a significant NSV, because before we each lost weight, we wouldn’t have fit into the rides.
  • Checking out the beautiful hotels – Wynn, Bellagio, Venetian, etc.
  • Some spa time.


  • Drinks at a hotspot lounge.  It’s been 10 years since I was in Vegas, so I need recommendations. At that time, I loved the rum bar at Mandalay Bay, but I have no idea if that’s even there still.
  • Dinner at a 4-star restaurant.
  • A show – Cirque du Soleil, comedy, music – depending on who’s playing when we’re there.
  • Dancing at another hotspot – one that’s not overrun with wannabe’s.  Just a place were we can have fun and let loose.
  • Gambling.
  • Repeat, repeat, repeat.

The most important part of the trip is that we’ll be meeting up for the first time, the rest of it is just icing on the cake.  I’m really looking forward to our trip!


If you’d like to join in on the daily writing prompts, go to WEverb11, sign up for the email notifications, and join us! Or follow along on Twitter using the #WEverb11 hashtag!

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