
Posts Tagged ‘movies’

2014-07-25 10.02.15

(I used the Rhonna Designs app on my iPhone to make this pic. I used this picture I took from my trip to Oahu in April.  This is Waikiki Beach, and I loved the color of those umbrellas).

1.  As soon as I finish writing this post, Sofi and I are hitting the road and going to the beach for the first time this summer.  I can’t believe I haven’t been to the beach at all yet this summer. I’m excited to beat the heat (it’s supposed to hit the mid-high 90s here today), walk along the beach with Sofi, and just enjoy the crashing waves. Look for pictures on my Instagram later.

2.curly-curling-creme_0For those of you with curly hair, you know how important it is to find the right products.  It’s only recently that my hair has returned to it’s normal curls. After getting my hair smoothed with the formaldehyde-free keratin treatment last December, my curl pattern was completely changed; it wasn’t curly anymore, it was barely wavy.  I’m glad that I got the keratin treatment, because my massive weight loss affected my hair terribly, making it thin, frizzy, and really difficult to manage.  But I’ve realized that I’m just not great at blow drying my own hair on a regular basis (I just don’t have the technique), so I’ve decided not to get the keratin treatment again (which costs $300), and instead treat myself to Dry Bar appointments now and then. But let’s get back to the products.  Now that my hair is back to it’s normal curls, I wanted to find a product that would keep them defined, control the frizz, but and not build up. After trying lots of different things, I found Curly Sexy Hair. I’ve been using the shampoo, conditioner, Full-On Curls, and the Curling Creme.  I like that these products are really affordable, and that they work. I’ve been enjoying lots of compliments on my hair lately, which I haven’t had in about a year.

3. I’ve had a few clothing NSVs this week.  On Sunday, I found the cutest top, but it as in the petite section.  I liked it so much that I decided to try on the petite Medium anyway, and it FIT! Then on Monday, I was shopping around Target and found a cute 49er tee that was a juniors Large (see Instagram photo). The week before last, I went online to Venus and found a bunch of cute tops, all of which were size Mediums; they came on Tuesday, and every single one fits great (see the turquoise, floral peplum top in my Instagram). Yesterday I was thrilled to finally fit into the Chase Infinite tank that I’d bought a couple of months ago (again, see yesterday’s Instagram workout post). Every time I buy clothes in these small sizes, I am amazed at the fact that they fit. Not only fit, but that they look good.  Shopping is such a pleasure now.  I’ve always loved getting new clothes, but now that I can walk into any store and find something adorable, I am loving it!

4. I usually love watching movies in the summer, but I have to say that I’ve been very underwhelmed at the offerings.  The last movie I went to was The Fault in Our Stars, which was very good.  In the many weeks since, there really hasn’t been much I’d be willing to see.  But suddenly there are a few that I’m looking forward to:

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5. 2014-07-13 00.05.37 I found this photo on Instagram awhile ago, and I love it.  Not only is “choose happy” the way that I try to live my life on a daily basis, but I also love the beach and the image of the sun.  Seeing this just makes me smile, and I’m going to put it up on my white board at school as a daily reminder.  Because no matter how stressful the situation, how disappointing the news, or how unfortunate the event – I choose my reaction and I choose HAPPY.

2014-04-25 05.54.55

Happy Friday! I hope you have a wonderful weekend, full of fun and exciting adventures.

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Happy Monday! Today was my short day at work, and for that I’m very thankful.  After yesterday’s 8K and a busy day of shopping and errands on Saturday, the weekend flew by.  Did you guys see the Oscars last night?  I really enjoyed the show, for the most part.  Ellen is a great host, and I loved the speeches from Luptia Nyong’o, Jared Leto, and Matthew McConaughey.  Everyone looked so beautiful and glittery, just as movie stars should. And this ties in perfectly with today’s FMM topic.

For the month of March, FMM is moving locations.  Sarah over at Losing Weight and Having Fun is hosting FMM for the time being, and I’m excited to discover her blog and meet a bunch of new bloggers.

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: Losing Weight and Having Fun so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: Let’s Talk Movies

1. What is your all time favorite movie? Godfather II – I love that in the second movie they show where the godfather got his start and they take it all the way back to Sicily.  In fact, the city where the godfather takes his name, Corleone, is the city where my mom’s family is from.  Plus, I really love mafia movies, perhaps for obvious reasons.  And, I have a crush on the young Robert DeNiro:


2. Who is your favorite actor and actress? I love Leonardo DiCaprio – his range as an actor is awesome.  I’m very impressed with Jennifer Lawrence in terms of a young actress, but my all-time favorite actress is Elizabeth Taylor.

3. What is the first movie you ever saw at the cinema?  I remember going to see Star Wars at the drive-in when I was really young. 

4. Did you watch The Oscars last night? I did. As I mentioned above, my highlights from the night…


5. How many of the Best Picture nominations did you watch and which did you enjoy the most? I’m sorry to say that I didn’t watch very many: only The Wolf of Wall Street.  I really want to see Dallas Buyer’s Club, 12 Years a Slave, American Hustle, and Gravity.  I’m not as interested in Philomena, Nebraska, or Her.

6. What did you think of Ellen hosting The Oscars? Ellen is by far my favorite host of The Oscars.  She has great timing, is just irreverent enough, and doesn’t drag things on. And that selfie moment?  Awesome!

7. If you had the chance to play a part in any movie, what would it be?  I don’t know. I think it would be more about who I’d be acting with, and if given the choice, I’d want to play alongside Johnny Depp or Bradley Cooper.

8. Is there a movie you have watched that was so bad that you have either walked out of the cinema or turned it off? I’ve never walked out of a theatre, and I can’t recall turning a movie off.  Probably because I’m pretty picky when it comes to movies, and I avoid anything that seems like I’d dislike it. Movies are too expensive to waste money (or time) watching something I don’t enjoy.

9. What do you think of 3D and IMAX movies? Are they worth the extra money? I actually dislike 3D movies because they give me a headache, and I think the gimmick is really overdone.  I think IMAX is worth it, depending on the movie. 

10. What was the last movie you saw at the cinema? The Wolf of Wall Street, which I thoroughly enjoyed.  It was so over the top and decadent, and Leo was phenomenal in it.

Now it’s your turn to answer the questions!   And also be sure to go back to Sarah’s blog and leave a link to your FMM post in the comments!  I really encourage you to comment on as many people’s posts as you can – I’ve met some fantastic people through FMM.  You never know who you’ll meet today.

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Happy Monday!  Today is my first day of spring break, and even though I have a pretty bad cold, I’m thankful for the week off.  I’ve been nursing this cold since Friday, and today I’m going to hit the gym and put some time in on the recumbent bike even though I’ll be breathing through my mouth.  🙂  But let’s get to FMM.

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: TV, Movies and Me

1. If you could be a recurring star on a show that is currently on TV, which show would you choose? I’d love to be on Mad Men,  even as one of the girls in the secretarial pool, because I love the entire atmosphere, and especially the clothes. I mean, c’mon:


2. Name the movie that you are most embarrassed to admit that you love. I can’t think of a movie that I like that I’d be embarrassed about.  I’m not really into cheesy movies, and have stayed away from all Nicholas Sparks’ movies because he’s just not my cup of tea.

3. Name one show that you’ve never seen and would love to watch.  I’d love to start watching and catch up with Elementary, because the premise looks great.

4. Do you ever go to movies alone?  I’ve definitely gone to the movies by myself, but some of the time I go with friends, because it’s more fun to analyze the movie together afterward.

5. If you could only watch one TV show for the next year, which show would you choose and why?  I don’t think I could make this choice.  There are just too many fabulous shows out there.  I guess I’d say Dexter, because I’m incredibly intrigued by the psychological thriller.

6. If you could star in one reality show, which one would it be and why? I’d love to be on a show for lottery winners spending their millions (hey, I know there isn’t a show like that on tv, but don’t you think it would be fun to watch me spend the money?)

7. If someone rented a billboard for you, what would it say? The billboard would say, “Congratulations, Bella!  All of your hard work and perseverance is finally paying off.  Welcome to the new you!!”

8. Who is the most famous person with whom you have been in the same room?  Back when he was Jagger on General Hospital, I met, talked to, and got an autograph from Antonio Sabato Jr.  It was thrilling at the time.

9. If you were chosen to be a contestant on a TV game show, which show would you want to be on?  I think I’d do well on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire.

10. If there was a movie being made about you, which actor would you choose to play you? I’m not sure who would play me – maybe I’d play myself!

Now it’s your turn to answer the questions!   And also be sure to go back to Kenlie’s blog and leave a link to your FMM post in the comments!  I really encourage you to comment on as many people’s posts as you can – I’ve met some fantastic people through FMM.  You never know who you’ll meet today.

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Happy Friday!!!

1. Today began rainy and misty outside, but now that’s around noon, the sun is out and the weather is beautiful.  I appreciate winter’s cooler temps, but I have to say, I’m much more motivated when it’s sunny outside.

2. This afternoon I’m looking forward to taking Sofi on a nice, long walk. It’s been pouring rain for the past two days, and that little doggie is in need of a sunny jaunt outside.  She seems to really love our post-rain walks because of all the fresh smells in the air and on the ground.  Our walks are definitely bonding time, and I love seeing her so happy.  Plus, it helps me burn a few calories, so win win.

3. This Sunday, since there’s no football, I’m determined to do a major closet cleanup.   I’d planned to do this after Christmas, but never got around to it.  I know I have a ton of clothes and shoes to donate, and I’m overdue for organizing. I’ve been trying hard not to buy any new clothes, since I’m losing weight and even more rapid weight loss is imminent post-surgery, but I think I’m going to reward myself with a new top or accessory. It will be just the “carrot” I need to complete this loathsome task.

4. I movie tickets that I haven’t used yet, and might find some time on Saturday to head to the movies.  Any suggestions?  Is Django worth it?  Should I see Les Mis instead?  Or is there an indie that I should see? Let me know in the comments.

5. I found this recently on Pinterest, and I’m proud to say that this is how I’ve been living for the past month:


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This month I’m participating in 30 Days of Thanks (#30DaysofThanks) by writing a blog post about 30 things I’m thankful for. To join in, go to the link above. The best part is, you don’t need to have a blog or even be on social media to take part in the project; you just need to be thankful. I can’t wait to see how my life might change by spending the 30 days in November giving thanks for things in my life — every single day.

Today I am thankful that my sister and I found some time in our busy schedules to slip away and go to see The Perks of Being a Wallflower before it left theatres.  If you didn’t get to see it, do.  If you haven’t read the book, read it.  Go buy the soundtrack, it’s fantastic.  Or, if you want, just go listen to it on Spotify:

The movie was beautifully done.  I think it helped that the novel’s author, Stephen Chbosky, wrote the screenplay and directed the film, too.  As much as I loved the book, I think this film might have been even better.  Although that might have been because the actors were so endearing.  It was truly one of the best movies I have seen in recent memory.

Afterward, LC and I went to Starbucks for a bit of an afternoon pick-me-up, and to take advantage of their “buy one holiday drink, get the other free from 2pm-5pm deal”.  I treated myself to a Grande Skinny Peppermint Mocha for 130 calories.  It was a delicious treat.

Weekends like this one, where my sister and I get to spend a lot of time together (we lounged around for much of the day yesterday, too) are all too rare, making them all the more precious.  I’m so grateful that my sister is my best friend and that she and my nieces live right next door.

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Five Totally Random Thoughts Swimming Around My Head Today…

  1. The best pin I found on Pinterest this week:
  2. This week I started watching Bunheads, a great new show by the creator of Gilmore Girls, Amy Sherman-Palladino. It has the same rapid-fire dialogue that I loved on GG, and many of the actors are from that show, as well. The premise is that a Vegas showgirl marries a longtime admirer on a whim, and moves to the small town of Paradise, CA with him. Two interesting things about this are that I found out about the show after a FB post from Jen Lancaster, whom I love AND that one of my former colleagues-turned-FB-buddy actually lives in Paradise, CA. It’s an unusual setting for a tv show, but then again, Stars Hollow wasn’t exactly a big town either.
  3. I’m in the middle of reading the latest from another of my favorite authors, Jen Lancaster’s Jeneration X. If you want to follow my reading list, become my friend on Goodreads. What are you reading?
  4. Today my dad and I are headed to see The Dark Knight Rises, which I’m really looking forward to. I love this Batman trilogy and the dark portrayal of the story that Christopher Nolan has taken. Many are saying it’s the best move of the three, and I can’t wait to see it. (My heart goes out to those in Colorado who fell victim to a deranged man).
  5. And finally, I’ll end with a photo of Sofi, who just got groomed yesterday. Seriously, have you ever seen anything cuter?  Looking at this face instantly puts me in a good mood. I’m really lucky to have Sofi.


Happy Friday, and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

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Friday the 13th, one of my favorite days ever, because as I’ve written before, I don’t believe that any Friday can ever be unlucky.  Do you believe in that superstition?

Five Totally Random Thoughts Swimming Around My Head Today…

  1. The best pin I found on Pinterest this week was one I really needed to read:
  2. This week I watched both seasons of The Riches on Amazon’s Instant Video, which because I have a Prime membership, entitles me to watch tons of free tv shows and movies. If you’ve never seen the show, I highly recommend it.  Eddie Izzard and Minnie Driver are brilliant, as is the writing.  Unfortunately, it fell victim to the writers’ strike in 2008.  It’s a shame, too, because this show should have lasted for several more seasons.
  3. I finished reading The Next Best Thing by Jennifer Weiner, and it is her best novel in years.  I’m a huge fan, and this book captures the same spirit that Good in Bed had. I was captivated by the characters and the story, and I finished it really quickly.  Next I’ll be reading the latest from another of my favorite authors, Jen Lancaster’s Jeneration X. If you want to follow my reading list, become my friend on Goodreads.  What are you reading?
  4. Yesterday when I was shopping at Trader Joe’s, I found a new coffee blend that I’m looking forward to enjoying after dinner, when the craving for “something sweet” strike: Trader Joe’s Vanilla Chai-Spiced Coffee.  I had it last night, and it offers a really nice blend of spice and sweetness.  I’m normally not a fan of flavored coffees, but this one is good.
  5. And finally, I’m going to put in another plug for Bia, the GPS Sports Watch that I mentioned on Tuesday. Bia is getting a lot of buzz; they were written up on Wednesday in The Huffington Post.  They’re so close to their goal, but they only have until Saturday at 2:59AM Eastern to raise the funds.  How cool would it be to be a backer?  BTW, Bia is the Greek goddess of force and power – perfect name, right?! I really hope Bia Sports is able to get their funding.

I have some fun weekend plans that I’ll write more about next week.  Happy Friday, and I hope you have a fabulous weekend!!

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I just read Sabrina’s post and decided to steal the idea.  BTW, if you haven’t checked out her blog yet, do it today.  She’s awesome!

Five Totally Random Thoughts Swimming Around My Head Today…

A little something I saw on Pinterest recently. Cool, right?

  1. I am so addicted to Pinterest that I get disappointed when I’m on another site and they don’t have a “scroll to top” button.
  2. Last week I started watching a new show on HBO called The Newsroom, and I am in love.  It is a smart, quick, funny show about the state of our news programs (and society as a whole).  I am personally so disgusted with major news network anchors reporting trashy celebrity gossip as news.  I can turn to E News if I want that.  When I’m watching the nightly news, I want REAL news.  The idealist in me hopes that this show takes off and people start demanding more from our news/media outlets.  Aaron Sorkin is back!
  3. I am so thankful that several months ago a Groupon led me to the joys of threading.  I had an appointment today, and it is just so quick and easy.  It’s cleaner than wax (which used to break me out sometimes) and it’s cheaper, too, since all that’s used is cotton thread.  It’s slightly more painful than waxing, at first, but it also seems to last longer.  If you haven’t tried threading and they offer it in your area, I’d recommend giving it a try.
  4. I’m just about to finish The Night Circus, and I seriously don’t want it to end.  I have loved reading it.  So much so that I’m going to offer it as a choice to my students as outside reading.  Next up is The Next Best Thing.  If you want to follow my reading list, become my friend on Goodreads.  What are you reading?
  5. I’m cooking dinner for my sister tomorrow night, and we’re trying something new to both of us – grilled tofu.  After quite a search, I’ve found a marinade using Sriracha that isn’t going to turn our mouths to fire.  If it’s as good as I’m hoping, I’ll post a new Bella Cooks in a couple of days.

My weekend plans don’t extend past some workouts (Zumba, gentle yoga, a possible bike ride, yin yoga, and walking Sofi), so I’m hoping to connect with a couple of friends and go to a movie – any recommendations?

Have a fabulous weekend!!

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I was on spring break last week and missed out on FMM, so when I saw the subject of today’s post, I couldn’t wait to write about it.


If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: If life were a movie, which one would you want to live in?

At first I tried to think of my favorite movies…

My all-time favorite movie is The Godfather II. For several reasons. First, there’s the most obvious, that I’m 100% Italian, 50% of which is Sicilian. So much of this movie is steeped in culture and heritage – loyalty, family, pride. All of the things I grew up with. But it also has way too much violence for me to want to spend my life in this movie, even if I could be Michael.

Then I tried to think of my favorite movies from high school..something directed by John Hughes:

Breakfast Club is the quintessential movie that depicts the fact that despite the fact that we can each be a member of a certain clique, we have more in common that we might first think. And Pretty in Pink is the girl-power movie for any girl who had a bit of a quirky side. I LOVE Duckie (Jon Cryer) and Iona (Annie Potts) in this movie. And I wanted Andie’s (Molly Ringwald) car – a Karmann Ghia. I even had a vanity plate all figured out: GhiaMia. 🙂

I could SO see myself driving this in high school.

But neither of those movies were ones that I really wanted to LIVE in. So I gave it a bit more thought and then it HIT me…

Now it’s your turn to share. Don’t forget to go back to Kenlie’s blog to link up in the comments!

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As I mentioned yesterday, I’ve been feeling a bit of the blahs this past week. Part of it is boredom with the plan, part of it is missing Lulu. But I am happy to say that I never once deviated from my meal plan, and that’s saying quite a bit. Instead of focusing on all that I’ve been missing, I’ve been trying to keep my spirits up and focus on all the positives that are happening in my life right now since losing over 20 pounds. And it’s been working. I feel better. So let’s see what the scale has to say this week:

Which means I lost 2.4 pounds this week, for a total weight loss of 25 pounds in 8 weeks.  Another milestone down! I’m very pleased with the steady progress. It’s reliable, consistent, and fairly predictable. So if it’s a bit boring, so be it. Nothing’s perfect, right? And I’m proud to be able to show off this new badge:

I'm Down w/the Sisterhood

To counteract the routine of my eating, I’m going to start doing more things with friends. I really do need to make more effort to see the people I love, and even though our schedules are hectic, I know that if we make it a priority, we can find the time to get together. Carina had a great idea for a non-food get-together – the movies! I love going to movies and although I just saw a movie last week (Hop with my niece on Sunday), I haven’t seen a really good flick in a couple of months. So, for those of you who like movies as much as I do, what do you recommend that is in theatres now?

Spring Break is coming up for me next week, which means I’ll have some extra time (all day!) to check out some new classes at the gym. I’m not sure exactly which ones I’m going to try, but I can tell you I’d like to hit at least 2 new classes.

And lastly, I briefly mentioned yesterday that I’m teaching a “credit recovery” class after school for students who are trying to make up credits so that they can graduate (nothing like a last ditch attempt, right?). I’ve designed a curriculum of non-fiction articles, movies, and clips all centered around the obesity epidemic, nutrition, health, and fitness. I figure that since I am interested in it, it will be fun to teach some of what I know to the kids. And if they have to show competency in writing and reading, it might as well be something fairly interesting. We all eat, after all, and food is usually a universal topic. We had our first class yesterday afternoon and the students seemed really engaged, which was encouraging.

I’ve already got a lot of it planned out including literature circles around reading Fast Food Nation and The Omnivore’s Dilemma, lots of non-fiction articles, and watching films like Super Size Me, Fat Head (I’ve got a great debate planned after we watch those two), Food Inc., and King Corn. And of course a few episodes of Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution. But I’d love to hear any and all suggestions you have for other movies or articles I should look into using. Please leave ideas in the comments. I have eight weeks (48 classroom hours) to fill, and I prefer to be over-prepared rather than under.

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