
Archive for June, 2013


Summer’s here! Which means that fun in the sun is a daily way of life. Getting outside and getting active is easy, and it’s on my agenda for each and every day this summer. Being on summer vacation means I don’t have any of the workaday responsibilities that can get in the way of my plans. Now that I’ve had the VSG surgery, achieving my weight loss goals is only a matter of time, and this summer is going to be HOT. Sunday weigh-ins will keep me accountable through the weekend, and will give me a positive goal to begin each new week. I’m not on a diet, I’m establishing a lifestyle – my new life. My Sunday progress updates will be called Sizzlin’ Summer Weigh-Ins.

Week 5 showed me that I’ve fully moved into my new life.  I had my 6-week post-op appointment a few days early (6 weeks officially starts tomorrow), and got a clean bill of health. This past week was a good one – I got in solid workouts, ate “new” foods, and fit into new sizes.

bilbl_scale.jpgSo, how’s the scale looking?

I weighed in this morning at 256.6, which is a loss of 2.8 pounds this week, and a loss of 20.6 lbs since surgery. I’ve lost a total of 58.4 pounds from my highest weight. This weight loss is fantastic, because I’m back on track with losing about 3 lbs per week.  I’m in the mid-250s, a place I haven’t been in a couple of years.  And I’ve lost 20 lbs in 6 weeks, which is also pretty amazing.  Lots of milestones are just around the corner, which is so exciting.  I think the difference is in higher protein, lower carbs, and longer workouts.

I mentioned this before, but I really think that now that I’m in Stage 4 and can eat almost any protein I want (steak is going to wait until 6 months+), I think I’m going to see strong successes.  My portions have increased to 3oz of protein per meal (as I can handle), which means that reaching 60-75g of protein/day should be so much easier, without adding a shake supplement.

Eating out with friends/family is going to be so much easier now.  This week is a big one because my birthday is on Tuesday and then we have the 4th of July on Thursday.  Two big holidays, and I’m not at all worried about not losing weight.  I love my sleeve!  The built-in portion control is such a great tool, but even more important is this new lifestyle that I’m leading.  I’m so happy and content with the way I’m eating, the workouts I’m completing, and the way I’m feeling.  Plus, if I want to indulge, I can do it without going overboard.

For example, last night my soon-to-be-6-year-old niece and I had an impromptu sleepover.  My mom had brought over Dryer’s slow-churned ice cream (which is 1/3 the fat of regular ice cream, not to sound like a commercial), and as I was dishing it out for my niece, I decided to have a bit for myself.  Instead of serving myself a heaping helping, I stuck to the 1/2 cup serving, and was completely satisfied.  The funny thing was, my niece ate more than I did!  Actually, with all of the meals we’ve been having together lately, I’ve noticed in awe that I’m eating less than my 6-year-old niece!  That blows my mind.  In the best way  possible. Even more mind blowing is the fact that I didn’t worry that I was having ice cream the day before my weigh-in, as I would have in the past, because I knew that a tiny scoop of ice cream wasn’t going to blow a week of hard work. I love that I can have treats in small portions now and again without blowing everything.  And yes, I realize that this is how most people operate in their daily lives, but pre-pre-surgery, there was no moderation in the way that I ate.  I applied the “all or nothing” philosophy, which was unhealthy. Now it’s as if a switch has been pulled, and I don’t even think about over-indulging.  It has less to do with the sleeve and more to do with all the hard work I’ve put in to get here.

For the upcoming week, since it’s going to be filled with celebration, I’m going to concentrate on keeping my workouts solid and enjoying my new life to the fullest. I’m always a positive person, but this week I’m feeling extra happy!!


Until next Sunday, my friends. I hope the scale treats you well, and that you have a wonderful week!

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stethoscope1 Yesterday I had my 6-Week Post Op VSG appointment, and the news was all good.

As I mentioned in a previous post, my blood pressure was in the normal range, which felt great.  I used to worry about putting that cuff on, but now I’m confident that the numbers will be good from here on out.

First I met with the surgeon, who told me that I looked great.  He said my incisions are healing beautifully, that my workouts were really impressive, and that my weight loss was going at a good pace.  It was the last time I’d be meeting with him, which was bittersweet.  He pushed me, challenged me, and motivated me to reach the pre-op weight requirement.  He told it to me straight, and showed a bit of tough love, which I really appreciated. It’s going to be strange to head up to the Fremont Bariatric department and not see him.  But I guess it shows that I’m moving on into the rest of my life.

Then I met with the nutritionist, who was extremely impressed with my detailed food logs; I printed out the past two weeks of diaries from MyFitnessPal. She complimented my organization and meticulousness, and I told her that I actually really liked putting as much info as I could into my entries. I really recommend MFP to anyone who wants to keep track of what they’re eating and how they’re exercising. Plus, I love the support I get from all my friends on there. It’s really amazing.

She checked my vitamins, and recommended that I make a few changes.

  • Multivitamin: I bought a more complete multivitamin, which now includes iron. Because of the iron, I now need to take my calcium separately from now on.  (Iron blocks the body from fully absorbing calcium).
  • Calcium Citrate: The soft chews I’ve been taking are good, but I’m only getting in 1000mg of calcium, instead of the recommended 1500mg.  So I’ll still be taking 4 of those, but I also bought another chewable that will get me to my 1500mg goal. Since the soft chews are 15 calories each, I didn’t want to add in two more a day.  For me, “spending” 60 calories on the soft chews are worth it, especially with the workouts I get in, and they’ve been great to take as a treat because they satisfy my sweet craving.  The chewable is perfect because it’s only 7 calories.  Who knows, if I like it, I may just take 3 of them a day instead. All of these vitamins also include Vitamin D, since it helps the body absorb calcium better.
  • B1: I haven’t been taking B1, but the nutritionist recommended that I put it back in my daily routine, because among other things, it promotes a healthy metabolism.  No arguing with that.
  • B12: I’d been taking the sublingual B12 three times a week, but the nutritionist said that I could drop it down to twice a week.
  • Vitamin D: I’d been taking a daily does of 5000mg of D, in addition to the 1000mg I’m getting in the soft chews, and she told me it was too much.  She recommended buying a 1000mg to take daily.
  • Iron + C: The chewable I’d been taking wasn’t the correct form of iron, so I bought another one that will be correct.

In addition, I’m also taking a preventative gall bladder medication, and Pepcid for heartburn prevention.

When I complained that I didn’t feel like I was losing weight quickly enough, she took a close look at my logs, and said that while she thought my weight loss was steady, she did think that I might want to try cutting carbs a bit.  It’s been something I’ve been thinking of, too, so I’m glad that she recommended it.  She said she’d like to see me eating 600-800 calories/day (which I have been) and getting in 60-75g protein (which I have been).  She wants me to try to get the protein in with real food, rather than protein shakes, and now that I’m on Stage 4, which increases my protein portion from 2oz to 3oz, it should be easier.

Stage 4 is going to be wonderful! I really think it’s going to be where my weight loss thrives.

  • All sources of protein are now open to me.  The only thing they say to hold off on is steak, which they recommend trying after 6-9 months. I’m looking forward to turkey burgers, shrimp, chicken, and ground beef.  (Along with the tilapia, salmon, etc that I’ve been enjoying).
  • Raw veggies!!!! Hello, SALADS, I’ve missed you.  Along with cucumbers and bell peppers.  The crunch that raw veggies offer are going to be a perfect substitute for the carb-heavy crackers/wasa bread I’ve been having.

Since I want to take full advantage of the “sweet spot” the first 6-9 months offer me to lose the largest amount of weight, I’m going to keep the non-produce carbs very limited for now.  I’ll still have some carbs once in a while and on special occasions, but as a general rule my daily food plan won’t include them.

I’m happy that I’ve received a clean bill of health, and I’m looking forward to improving from here.


BTW, this is my 1400th blog post, which seems like cause for a bit of fanfare, so if you’ll indulge me…


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There’s nothing like waking up really early on a Saturday morning and being outside in the backyard with Sofi. Today is going to be HOT, so I enjoyed the simple pleasure of watering my garden. It’s one of the most peaceful things I do: it gives me time to think, time to live in the moment, and time to nurture my green thumb. I love the way it smells in the backyard after everything is watered, when it’s still shady.

Speaking of the heat, in an effort to try to beat it, Sofi and I have been heading out really early (think 7:15am) to get in a good walk. Thursday I needed to mail a letter, so we hit the pavement and walked to the post office. And since my parents live near there, we decided to pay them an early morning visit and get a quick water break. Then we took the long way home. All told, we walked for 65 minutes and about 3 miles. Today we did another winding, early morning walk. This time it was just meandering around the neighborhood, walking for about 40 minutes, taking the long route around. It’s quiet so early in the morning, and I love being with Sofi as we’re exploring our little piece of the world.

Yesterday I had my post-op appointment (more on that later), and it felt good to hear such good news. One of the best parts was that my blood pressure continues to be normal. Yesterday it was 123/77. I know some charts would show this as above normal, but for me, it’s a great number. I love going to the doctor and not being worried about stepping on the scale or having my blood pressure read.

Dexter-final-season-key-artYou guys know what a TV junkie I am, and one of the things I’m most excited about for this weekend is the season premiere of Dexter. This is going to be the final season, and I can’t wait to see what kind of Big Bad they have in store for us this year.

Today my mom and I are hitting the mall to escape the heat, but also to go shopping. Nothing especially glamorous, but after 56+ lbs, I’m in desperate need of some new panties. And I wouldn’t say no to a couple of new sleeveless tops to take me through this part of the summer. Yesterday I bought a few new sports bras at Target, because I have to double up on my current ones just to get a little bit of support. Retail therapy is so much more fun when I’m finding myself with more options.

Finally, the thing that’s making me smile the most lately is that I’m fitting into tons of smaller clothes! As a girl who loves fashion, and always tried to look my best, no matter what my size, it is fantastic that I’m moving on down the rack. At my heaviest, I was wearing pants in size 28 and tops in size 26. Now I’m wearing size 22 pants and tops in size 18/20. The scale might not be moving quite as quickly as I would hope, but I’m thrilled with the way clothes are looking on me. And the inches are just as important. Here’s a sample of some photos I’ve been posting on IG lately:


Top: Size 3 from Torrid. I bought this and could never wear it because it was too tight around my hips. Now it flows over them nicely.
Pants: Size 22 Se7ens from Lane Bryant


I bought this tshirt from SkinnyEmmie.com over a year ago, and it was skin tight. Actually, past that. Now it fits really well, especially after a few alterations. (I had to cut it so it was shorter, I cut the neckline because I don’t really like crew necks, and I cut off the sleeves.


I bought that blinged-out Giants tank from Bling Circus (Etsy), and it was way too tight just a few months ago. Now it’s form-fitting, but nicely hugs my curves.

I hope you have a wonderful day, full of things that put a smile on your face.

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Summer’s here! Which means that fun in the sun is a daily way of life. Getting outside and getting active is easy, and it’s on my agenda for each and every day this summer. Being on summer vacation means I don’t have any of the workaday responsibilities that can get in the way of my plans. Now that I’ve had the VSG surgery, achieving my weight loss goals is only a matter of time, and this summer is going to be HOT. Sunday weigh-ins will keep me accountable through the weekend, and will give me a positive goal to begin each new week. I’m not on a diet, I’m establishing a lifestyle – my new life. My Sunday progress updates will be called Sizzlin’ Summer Weigh-Ins.

Week 4 brought with it lots of over-thinking. One of the top rules they tell us in my WLS support group meeting is not to compare your progress to anyone else’s, but that seems to be ALL I did this week.  Am I eating too much?  Should I stop eating veggies and fruit and just stick to all protein?  Am I losing enough weight?  Am I taking full advantage of this first 6 month “sweet spot?” As you can see, my mind swirled with questions all week.

bilbl_scale.jpgSo, how’s the scale looking?

I weighed in this morning at 259.4, which is a loss of 1.6 pounds this week, and a loss of 17.6 lbs since surgery. I’ve lost a total of 55.6 pounds from my highest weight. This week’s meager loss was the result of beginning weight training.  I was prepared for this, because my body always reacts this way as soon as I begin working with weights.  It’s the reason I stopped strength training while I was losing the pre-op required weight.

My main focus for this week is to continue the weight training, working out, and eating a well-balanced diet.  I have my 6-week post op appointment on Friday (a few days early), and I’m sure I’ll have more to report then.

Even with all the questions I had going on this week, here are a few things I know…

  • I haven’t hit an actual stall yet, and for that I’m grateful.
  • I’ve been following Kaiser’s pre-op eating plan to a T, which is a well-balanced approach.
  • Including weights into my workouts will be good for me for the long run for so many reasons.
  • When I’m comparing my weight loss to others’ on the FB groups, I have to keep in mind: that I lost 38 lbs before I ever had surgery, most of these people only lost 15 lbs or less pre-op; I have no idea what their starting weights were; and everyone’s body loses at different rates.

So, after a lot of questioning and kvetching, I’m actually feeling calm now.  I know that I’m a perfectionist, and I always strive to be the best I can be, even as a VSG-er.  LOL.  And I just have to remind myself that I am being MY best.


Until next Sunday, my friends. I hope the scale treats you well, and that you have a wonderful week!

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cartoon-sunIt seems odd that today is the official first day of summer, but I’ve been on summer vacation for a month already (if you count the time I was on medical leave for my surgery).  This summer has already been great, and I know it’s just going to continue.  I’ve been loving the pace and routine that I’ve developed: wake up around 6:30 or 7am, a cup of coffee and breakfast while watching Good Morning America, doing a bit of watering in the yard to keep the plants and flowers looking good, going swimming/workout out, lunch, reading/shopping/relaxing, walk Sofi, dinner, t.v., bed.

bilbl_superThis week I’ve started weight training again, and whew, are my muscles sore!  Monday I did chest/back at the gym on the traditional machine, and I have to say, I had no real idea what the heck I was doing.  The next day or two, I felt it on my sides, rather than the back or chest.  Wednesday I did legs with a more whole body approach, following an OnDemand workout, Robert Jones’ leg building.  I did the 8-minute workout twice, which included holding a 5-lb weight in my hands as I did lunges, side lunges, squats, side squats, and a few other moves. He kept me moving the entire time, and my heart was PUMPING. I literally cannot bend down this morning.  Today is my arm day, and I’m thinking of doing a kettlebell workout.  The only downside to building these muscles is that my body is already reacting on the scale.  I’m seeing almost no movement, and I know it’s my body holding on to water and wondering what’s going on.  I knew this was the risk, so I’m not panicking.  Plus I know how  important weight training is.

badge foundingHappy 2nd birthday, Fit Approach! I was honored asked to be a SweatPink Ambassador, and although I didn’t completely understand the scope of what I was joining at the time, I’m so thrilled to be included in this fast-growing group.  I have to admit that a lot of the time I feel like I’m out of my depth – my fellow SPAs are badasses! They compete in triathlons, marathons, Diva Dashes, CrossFit competitions, etc.  And while fitness is an important part of my life, and has given me aha moments, I’m nowhere near that level…yet.  I did sign up for a Color Run in September and plan on participating in the Dirty Girl Mud Run in SF in February, so maybe I have earned my #sweatpink stripes after all.

mos_glyph_hires My dad and I always go to see the big blockbuster/action movies together; it’s our thing.  This afternoon, he and I are heading to the theatre to see Man of Steel, and I’m looking forward to it because I’ve heard such good reviews. I always love paling around with my dad, and yes, I do know how lucky I am to have such a great man as my father.

summerthing2013-large2 Sunday I’m heading to an all-day, outdoor, free concert in Golden Gate Park.  Our local radio station, Alice 97.3 FM, hosts this event every summer, and I’ve always wanted to go, but there was always some sort of conflict.  This year, my plans were open, and I’m so looking forward to this day of music and fun.

How are you celebrating summer?

Summer on a beach

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Happy Monday! I had a fantastic time with my dad (and the rest of our family) for Father’s Day yesterday.  I’m so lucky that I have such a close relationship with my dad and that he and I can spend so much time together, especially in the summer.  Since he and I both have summers off (my dad “retired” about 5 years ago, after 38 years of teaching, but he continues to substitute most days during the school year), we’re able to hang out all the time.  We pal around and go to blockbuster movies, go swimming, and just spend time together.  Believe me, I know how rare our relationship is, and I feel blessed.

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: Just Wondering

1.  Do you wear glasses and/or contacts?  I don’t have to!  I had the Lasik surgery in 2001, and it was one of the best things I’ve ever done.  I still have near-perfect vision 12 years later.

2.  Do you have summer vacation plans?  If so, where are you going?  No trips planned this summer.  I will go on day trips to Half Moon Bay, Monterrey/Carmel, Santa Cruz, and San Francisco,  though.  It’s great that I live so close to all of these places that people go on vacation.  I think that may be one of the reasons I haven’t gone on a “real” vacation in so long.  Well, that and the fact that I haven’t been able to save much money.  My main plan for my summer break is to get as much exercise (and weight off) as possible.

3.  What is your favorite food to eat for breakfast? I’ve been going between Greek yogurt + berries + Go Lean Crunch or EggFace’s Breakfast Bites.

4. Do you enjoy window shopping?  It really depends on my mood.  I love being able to buy things, but sometimes just looking around is really fun, too.  I can see myself doing a lot more “trying on” with clothes as I go down in sizes.  I’m trying really hard not to buy too many outfits while I’m in this time of major transition.

5. What is your favorite candle scent?  I don’t really have a favorite scent, but I did recently go into Bath and Body Works and I smelled some great summertime candles – Lakeside, Summertime S’Mores, and Aloha Waikiki. Hmmm, I think I may just have to head to a BBW and get myself a new candle this week.

6.  If you had to choose between going to a zoo or an aquarium, which one would you pick?  Since I love the ocean and all things that go with that, I’d definitely choose an aquarium.

7.  How many times do you plan to exercise this week?  I’m planning on working out 6 days this week.  At least three times at the pool, 2-3 gym cardio sessions, and at least 3 weight training sessions.

8.  Do you speak another language fluently?  No.  I’ve had 5 years of instruction in Spanish, (3 years in high school, and another 2 in college), and I can understand much of it, but I’m in no way fluent.  I’d actually really like to learn to speak Italian, since that’s my heritage.

9.  What are you currently reading?

16160790 I’m reading The Glass Wives by Amy Sue Nathan, among a few others.

10.  What are you looking forward to most in the coming week?  I have my WLS support group meeting on Wednesday.  It’ll be my first since surgery, so I’m excited to share my experiences.

Now it’s your turn to answer the questions! And also be sure to go back to Kenlie’s blog and leave a link to your FMM post in the comments! I really encourage you to comment on as many people’s posts as you can – I’ve met some fantastic people through FMM. You never know who you’ll meet today.

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Summer’s here! Which means that fun in the sun is a daily way of life. Getting outside and getting active is easy, and it’s on my agenda for each and every day this summer. Being on summer vacation means I don’t have any of the workaday responsibilities that can get in the way of my plans. Now that I’ve had the VSG surgery, achieving my weight loss goals is only a matter of time, and this summer is going to be HOT. Sunday weigh-ins will keep me accountable through the weekend, and will give me a positive goal to begin each new week. I’m not on a diet, I’m establishing a lifestyle – my new life. My Sunday progress updates will be called Sizzlin’ Summer Weigh-Ins.

Week 3 was another good one. I’m finally feeling back to normal, with only minor twinges of pain here or there. Food wise, I’m finding creative ways to make Stage 3 work for me. Good thing I like seafood! This week also marked my first time back at the pool this summer, which was so nice.

bilbl_scale.jpgSo, how’s the scale looking?

I weighed in this morning at 261.0, which is a loss of 3.2 pounds this week, and a loss of 16 lbs since surgery. I’ve lost a total of 54 pounds from my highest weight. Another week of about a 3 lb loss, so I’m thinking that this may just be my pace of weight loss right now, and if so, that’s just fine. In a way a more moderate pace like this helps my body (and my skin) catch up to the changes, and it may mean that thing “bounce back” better than if I was dropping huge numbers each week. Plus, to think that I lost 16 pounds in one month is fantastic!

This week the difference that I really noticed was in my swimsuits. I haven’t worn them since late last summer/early fall, and I can’t tell you how much better they look now. I wear swimdreses to help camouflage my thighs, and on both of the suits I wore this week, the skirts dipped much lower than they had before. On one suit, I had to tie up the straps so that they’d say up. The coverup I wear was also so much looser on me. Now I can wear it zipped up and sit down in it without the fabric straining. In fact, it’s really loose. I still need to take those measurements, and I know I’ll be glad I did.

As I mentioned earlier, this week, I was able to get back to swimming, and it felt wonderful. There’s nothing like gliding through the water. I even tried “water jogging,” in the deep end of the pool, and it was quite the cardio workout. This coming week, I want to hit the pool at least 3 times, but I also want to include the elliptical and the bike. I’m not quite ready for Zumba or Hot Hula, because jumping might be jarring, but hopefully I’ll be back to those fun classes withing a couple of weeks.

My plan for the upcoming week is to finally get back to weight training. I think it’s been over a year or more since I last lifted any weights at all, and I feel completely out of my element. Not so much so that I want to hire a trainer, though. I know how to use the machines and what the free weight moves are supposed to look like, it’s just putting the workouts together in the right combinations that might be difficult. But with the plethora of information out there on the internet, I’m sure I’ll be able to cobble something together. I even have a new app that I’m looking forward to trying out that will help with this. (More on the app in a future post, where you’ll be able to try it out, too, if you’d like). I’ve been reading recently about online trainers who, for a fee, will send you weekly/monthly workout plans. I like the idea of a somewhat customized workout plan, and a real person whom I could contact, so I might consider this down the road. Have any of you hired a trainer that you only work with online? I’d be interested to hear your feedback. Either way, this week I’ll be working my muscles, which will be fodder for future blog posts, I’m sure.

Life is great, and I’m enjoying every minute of it. I can’t ask for more than that!


Until next Sunday, my friends. I hope the scale treats you well, and that you have a wonderful week!

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bilblcooksNow that I’m a post-op VSG person, I’m on the lookout for recipes that will allow me to keep eating the way I like to – well-balanced, healthy, whole foods. The best blog I’ve found for a post-surgery healthy lifestyle is The World According to Eggface. Shelly cooks the way that I like to, and so when I was looking for something new for breakfast, I knew I wanted to try Eggface’s Breakfast Bites. Like any good cook, I decided to make the recipe my own, and changed it up a bit. That’s one of the things I love about Shelly’s recipes – they’re very customizable. She gives you the main idea, and then you’re only limited by your own culinary choices.

Bella’s Eggface Breakfast Bites



The only ingredient I didn’t list in MFP was the sage, which came straight from my sister’s herb garden. I really love that I can have pancetta and full-fat cheese and each bite only comes out to 40 calories!


Preheat oven to 350 so that it’s waiting for you, and not the other way around.

Since I was using pancetta, I knew that I wanted to cook that up first, so that I could use the drippings as the fat to saute the veggies. So I rendered the pancetta first, and then put it on paper towels to soak up some of the grease.


My food processor came in really handy in chopping up the onions and crimini mushrooms. Once they’re chopped, saute them in the pancetta drippings left in the skillet.


Once the mushrooms and onions are soft, add in the green onions (which I chopped by hand), as well as the pancetta. This way, all the flavors can meld.


Take the skillet off the heat and allow those ingredients to cool a bit before adding in the egg and cheese.


To make sure the muffins come out of the pan easily after they’re cooked, spray the mini muffin pan liberally with cooking spray. I used Trader Joe’s canola oil spray, but something like Pam would work well, too.

20130611-084657.jpg One tip I can give to make cleanup a breeze is to make sure to wipe off the excess spray off the pan itself. The same goes with any egg mixture that might drip on the edges of the pan as you fill it.

Bake the muffins for 30 minutes. While they’re cooking, you’ll see that they puff up and look like real bakery muffins, but as soon as you take them out, they deflate. The kitchen smelled amazing while these were baking.


Eggface showed hers cooling on a rack, so I followed suit. I made sure to put some paper towels under the rack, just in case anything dripped.

20130611-084726.jpg I couldn’t wait to try these! Don’t they look delish?!

I stored all of them in a large container, separating each layer with paper towels. I shared mine with my sister and parents, so I didn’t need to freeze them, but I’m sure they would freeze up beautifully.


20130611-092046.jpgTo reheat, I’d suggest the oven or toaster oven for 10 minutes. It’s worth the time it takes to wait for the oven to preheat because the bites come out warm and almost crisp. (So much better than the gumminess that would come out of the microwave).

20130611-092056.jpg I have three mini muffins plus some fruit for breakfast, and I’m satisfied for hours. Those with a normal-sized tummy will probably want to eat more, but at these nutritional totals, there’s no guilt. Enjoy!

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Happy Monday! I hope your weekend was as great as mine was.  The weather around here was wild – 100 degrees on Saturday and then incredibly windy and mid-70s on Sunday. Our weather never fluctuates that dramatically in just one day, so it was really strange.  I did get a chance to hit the beach to beat the heat on Saturday, and it was a really fun time.  I love seeing the joy that Sofi exhibits the moment her little paws hit the sand. And really, is there anything better than walking along the beach? Yesterday I met up with EH, who had been subbing for my classes while I was on medical leave, and it was great to catch up.  I’d gotten her a really special thank you gift, and she loved it.  It’s so much fun to get someone something you know they’re going to love.  Then my sister and I spent most of the day together, acting goofy, cooking, and taking the pups for a long walk.

If you’ve taken part in FMM then you know the rules. If you’re new, please take a moment to answer this week’s question on your own blog then add your link in the comments section at: www.alltheweigh.com so we can all see your FMM questions and answers. Please invite your blog readers to add their links here too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

FMM: How Do You Celebrate?

1. When is your birthday?  July 2 – it’s coming up fast!  🙂

2.  Do you like to celebrate it or do you prefer to keep it quiet?  My parents were great about always making my birthday a fun celebration, even if it was just our immediate family.  Now that I’m older, each year the level of celebration differs – my sister organized a fabulous party for me when I turned 40 two years ago, but then on years like this one (which don’t end in a 0 or a 5), I’ll probably celebrate with a quiet dinner with the fam. But when in doubt, I say CELEBRATE!

3. Have you ever had a surprise party?  Not yet…. This is actually one of my secret bucket list hopes.

4. What sign are you?  Does it represent you well?  I’m a Cancer, and while there are parts of it that are SO like me: nesting, being emotional and intuitive, showing loyalty, and loving family and friends.  But I’m definitely not introverted, or someone who is scared of conflict.

5.  Do you tell the truth about your age?  Absolutely! I’m going to be 42 in less than a month, and I am really proud of that.  No one ever guesses my age, and are usually shocked when I tell them.  I think it’s a combo of being young-at-heart and having good genes/great skin (no wrinkles).

6.  Share your best birthday memory.  Every birthday something wonderful happens, so I don’t think I could choose just one “best.” The best thing about every birthday is the love that family and friends show by spending time to celebrate me.

7.  Share a few item that could be on your birthday wishlist.  I actually have quite a few things on my Amazon Wishlist.  So many of them are practical: Fitbit Flex, Eggface’s Bento Box for lunches, and some new sneaks.  If it were an “anything goes” wishlist, it would include: an iPad, a Sephora shopping spree, and maybe a little something from Tiffany.

8.  What is your favorite kind of cake?  Believe it or not, I really don’t like birthday cake. I’m much more of a pound cake or carrot cake type of person.

9.  If you could be anywhere on your next birthday, where would you be?  I’d be on a Hawaiian beach, with my friends and family.

10.  Do you make a wish when you blow out the candles?  Every year!

Now it’s your turn to answer the questions! And also be sure to go back to Kenlie’s blog and leave a link to your FMM post in the comments! I really encourage you to comment on as many people’s posts as you can – I’ve met some fantastic people through FMM. You never know who you’ll meet today.

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Summer’s here! Which means that fun in the sun is a daily way of life.  Getting outside and getting active is easy, and it’s on my agenda for each and every day this summer.  Being on summer vacation means I don’t have any of the workaday responsibilities that can get in the way of my plans.  Now that I’ve had the VSG surgery, achieving my weight loss goals is only a matter of time, and this summer is going to be HOT.  Sunday weigh-ins will keep me accountable through the weekend, and will give me a positive goal to begin each new week. I’m not on a diet, I’m establishing a lifestyle – my new life. My Sunday progress updates will be called Sizzlin’ Summer Weigh-Ins.

Week 2 was exciting because it was ushered in with my 2-week post op appointment, along with moving to Stage 3 foods.  I also hit a weight loss milestone, and got back to the gym.

bilbl_scale.jpgSo, how’s the scale looking?

I weighed in this morning at 264.2, which is a loss of 3 pounds this week, and a loss of 12.8 lbs since surgery. I’ve lost a total of 50.8 pounds from my highest weight. I have to be honest, at first I was really disappointed that I “only” lost 3 pounds this week.  I’ve been eating a very well-balanced diet, full of protein, veggies, and complex carbs. My calories are right where the Kaiser nutritionists say they should be for this stage – 600-800/day.  I’ve been getting in about 6-7 glasses of water daily, working back up to 64 oz (this is difficult, since I can only take small sips, and can’t drink water 20 minutes before food and 30 minutes after).  I’ve also been active almost every day this week, getting a minimum of a 20 minute walk, but most days doing much more than that.

I realize that 3 pounds in one week is great, and it’s getting me closer to my goals.  But in the world of WLS, 12.8 lbs in 3 weeks seems a bit slow.  So of course I had to check back on Scale Warfare’s blog for this same week in her journey.  I was relieved to see that she’d lost 2.2 in week 3, and even mentioned a “dreaded Week 3 stall.”  So I’m very grateful that I haven’t hit any sort of stall, and that my body is still losing.

I’ve been weighing myself daily for over a year, taking breaks from the scale only when I was taking breaks from healthy eating.  I’ve decided for sanity’s sake, I’m going to start weighing in every other day.  I like checking in on the scale often because it helps me stay on track and keeps me motivated, but I also like seeing it move, so I think every other day is a good solution for now.

The other thing that all of the scale-craziness reminded me of was that it’s time to take measurements.  My sister measured me months ago, but I think I’m just going to start from today and see how the inches move in about a month.  The measurements are a much-needed reminder that it’s not really all about the scale/pounds, and that inches lost is also a great way for me to see weight loss progress.


My food is going really well, and I’m enjoying the way I’m eating.  Right now my diet is really fish-heavy, so I am looking forward to adding in more variety of proteins when Stage 4 arrives, but for now I’m content.  This week I’m going to try making Shelly’s Breakfast Bites as well as doing some grilled tofu. (I think my new tummy is too sensitive for the Sriracha marinated grilled tofu just yet, so I’m going to stick to a more mild marinade for now). When I look at some of the food diaries of people on MFP, I don’t know how they can handle eating so much pre-packaged, non-food.  Or others who are eating tacos, cookies, and chips on the daily.  I personally feel like this new, sleeved stomach is a gift and my eating needs to reflect that.  If I make poor choices like I did before, I can’t expect to succeed on this new journey.  But if I only eat protein shakes and Quest bars, that’s not realistic either.  I love that Kaiser’s post-op plan focuses on being well-balanced, because that’s the way I plan to eat for life.

My exercise has started to get back to normal, too.  I’ve increased my walking speed and time to 3.0 mph for 25-30 minutes on walks with Sofi.  I also hit the gym on Friday and was able to ride the recumbent bike for 30 minutes at a level 6/7 (I started at level 7 for the first 15 minutes, but then put it down to 6 for the last half) and I went over 5 miles.  Not bad!  Now that all of my incisions are completely healed, I’m going to start swimming tomorrow (I avoid the pool on the weekends, when it gets so packed that swimming is out of the question).  I feel like I’ve finally hit the point where I can move full steam ahead with my summer workouts.

So, despite the fact that I was slightly (and ridiculously) disappointed with the scale this morning, I’m feeling so positive and so thankful about where I am right now.  Nothing can stop me now!


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